purposeless - definição. O que é purposeless. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é purposeless - definição

If an action is purposeless, it does not seem to have a sensible purpose.
Time may also be wasted in purposeless meetings...
Surely my existence cannot be so purposeless?
= senseless, pointless
·adj Having no purpose or result; objectless.
Exemplos de pronúncia para purposeless
1. purposeless and dimensionless.
2. purposeless, kind of built-in.
The International Bank of Bob _ Bob Harris _ Talks Google
3. But after a while, it's completely purposeless.
The International Bank of Bob _ Bob Harris _ Talks Google
4. was purposeless labor and dead-endedness.
Cubed - A Secret History of the Workplace _ Nikil Saval _ Talks at Google
5. We are the product of the purposeless, mindless laws
Until the End of Time _ Brian Greene _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para purposeless
1. There will be only senseless, purposeless destruction.
2. The modest increase now on the table would be purposeless and wrong.
3. They swell the ranks of locals already living jobless, purposeless lives.
4. We should, he thinks, learn to lighten up, and the creation of empty, purposeless spaces within cities might encourage that.
5. To many who lived through it, World War I seemed truly insane, an orgy of purposeless death and destruction.